Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Snow fun.

The radio claimed last week's snow as the last hurrah before Spring. I wasn't planning on putting all of my snowballs in that basket.. But just in case, and since the next day was supposed to be frigid, we enjoyed sometime outside.

Can't beat the sun when it's hanging so low in the sky. :)

Can't beat June when he's bundled up into a puff.

Pretty pup.

I really like the feel of these photos. Even though I was really there.. they really make you feel like you're there.. don't they? Or is that just me because I was there?

I had so much fun with the lens flare. Olive and June probably had more fun when I was pulling them around in their sleds. But we had to pause for flare. Because.. Obviously..

June considered a round of golf.

Honey got some snow on my lens.

June conquered the backyard. One careful step at a time.

Olive obliged my request to try blowing some snow. It was the fluffy kind that doesn't pack well.. so I had high hopes!

And then it was time to go inside and have hot cocoa. ;)

To see the entire gallery of photos click here!

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