Today we went to the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory after story time at the library, since we weren't able to make it yesterday.
One of the few nice things about Olive no longer taking naps is not needing to plan around them and being able to do activities out and about during typical nap times. Many places that are usually swarming with kids are fairly empty around 11-1. It's wonderful. :)
It's hard to capture photos of Olive at this age when we're out doing things.. she's always moving. I'm often shooting from above her because I have little time to get on her level or I'm getting the back or side of her because she's trying to go somewhere that I'm not and get into something that I'm not doing. ha.
As you can see, that happened a lot today. But it's a nice glimpse into what she's up to. :)
I also took a lot of photos of flowers because I got kind of tired of photographing the back of Olive's head.
I just realized I took 25 times more photos than I should have. ha. Enjoy!
I like that I know Olive well enough to put her snow boots on when we go out even though most sidewalks are completely cleared.
No need to walk on that wide and clean sidewalk.
She's cute.
Oh look! A round thing to stand on!
Oh my goodness another round thing to stand on.
Run, run, run, run, run....
Puddle break.
We stopped at the family bathroom - didn't have to wait. Headed into the conservatory and saw this little children's room - completely empty.
Hey, it's me!
Olive and a bug. A cockroach, specifically.
Olive thought he seemed hungry.
Extra excited about the tiny window in this log tunnel.
Water! With ducks and boats and floating things.
There was a little wheel to turn that made water fall down here, as rain, and create a bit of a current in the water.
We headed into the fern room.
Olive found a lot to point at.
She wanted to get on this bench but it was a little high. She's less agile in her big winter boots. I helped her up since the other side of the bench is a big reflective pool.
She attempted to see her reflection in the water but wasn't close enough to the edge. I need to calm down on the depth of field. Then she got up and ran down to the other end of the bench - without falling/jumping into the water, thankfully.
More to point at.
She found water.
She said it felt hot - so she blew on it. It was actually very very cold.
And then she splashed a little.
In the next room she checked out the fountain in the middle and was interested in all of the coins inside.
This room was the reason we came - the holiday flower show.
There are different flower shows in this room throughout the year. The holiday show seemed to mostly be poinsettias lined with rosemary. We spent some time in here exploring and smelling the rosemary.
I photographed a wedding in here once.
More water.
And a little splashing.
And attempt as sitting still for a photo. ha. You can see the little scab on her chin. I'm not sure how she got it but it's been there for a few days. Today she fell at playtime after story time and scraped it again. She got pretty upset and it bled a little.
I love the lighting in this room. Spotty for portraits though.
I like this room for full body portraits, down the path. I like how the plants create an arch above.
Olive liked these a lot.
At this point we had been out of the house from around 8:45 to 12:30. I figured we should eat something besides animal crackers so we went to the cafe. It was fairly expensive and not overly diet friendly so we shared a bit plate of waffle fries. They were good. But I think Olive only ate one or two.
Olive's Advent Calendar
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
These are beautiful. I'm thoroughly enjoying your advent days. I think my favorites are the ones in the holiday room. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you like them and so glad you said this today. Tyler was just asking me tonight why I'm photographing each day and why I am sharing them online. Because they make Stacy happy. :)
DeleteIt's also been really great, as a photographer, to do this. I've been in a rut of only photographing jobs, basically, and I'm really testing my skills and stretching my abilities by using my camera each day this month. It's been really good for me. And I think posting them online helps me with the follow through. I would probably skip days if I weren't showing anyone. I'm sure you understand. ;)