Have you ever played with bubbles outside when it's cold? They freeze! And they break! It's really neat. I thought a sunny day full of fresh snow but a very cold temperature would be the perfect day. It's a hard thing to schedule since I can't predict the weather. Last I hear today's windchill was supposed to be -5.
Either it wasn't cold enough or our bubbles weren't the right kind.. they didn't freeze! But Olive didn't really seem to mind either way. We spent a few minutes outside playing in the snow and blowing bubbles. We kept the bubbles open and set in the snow in case they needed to be colder but still couldn't get them to freeze. Some got a little more rigid and seemed to pop in slow motion but that wasn't what I was going for. Oh well, we still had a good time. :)
So.... today's photos look a little similar to yesterday's.
She was ready to bundle up again and play. Complete with her sticker from the post office still.
I loved the wispy clouds.
She got stuck. That's how deep the snow is.
I dug her feet out and plopped her on top of the snow. I hoped she would want to lay back in the snow but she wasn't too keen on that idea.
I couldn't help myself - I kept laughing at her behind. She's about 3 times wider than normal.
Looking at the bubbles.
Giving it some time.. hoping it will freeze.
Bubble chilling.
Olive got bored with my attempts to remedy our bubble situation.
So she tried to clean the sidewalk.
Olive's Advent Calendar
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
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