In Olive's first cubby was a little star and a strip of paper. When I told her that we were going to go get a Christmas tree today she immediately became SO excited! She was saying "yay, yeah, yaaaaay, Christmas tree!"
I had hopes for a very inexpensive and rather small tree this year. We have a fake tree in storage in our garage and if my plan failed miserably we could just use that. But something seems easier about going to get a tree and putting it up rather than building an entire tree branch by branch. And taking a big tree out to our alley to be made into mulch seems so much easier than taking the entire fake tree apart, branch by branch.
I have a photo sessions scheduled this morning but, due to a sleepless night, it was postponed. We enjoyed a breakfast together, did a few lazy things, and went on our tree hunt.
I brought my new 5D mark ii along to document our adventures. I need to use it "around the house" a bit before I take it to client sessions or weddings.
An attempt at a family photo. Tyler loves photos. We wore our Christmas plaid. And tossed our coats on the kitchen floor.
We started at the Minneapolis Farmer's Market. Look at all of those trees.
Sorry about the weird sky. I reduced the file size/quality a little too much on a few of these.
This is Tyler's favorite kind of tree. It's actually the cheapest kind but was still more than twice what we wanted to spend, even for the smallest one.
So we headed over to another annex section.
And passed some vendors on the way. A few local produce vendors were still around! Meat & eggs are here through December.
I think Olive was enjoying herself.
She was inspecting a lot of trees after watching Tyler look at price tags and feel the needles.
Trees and trees and trees. I like how they're hanging.
We found some small trees. These were $40.
$15 is doable but this was a little smaller than what I was hoping for.
I would love to decorate with these but many of them were more than $20.
How many people in red cots does it take to put a tree on a VW?
Holiday car commercial?
Olive experienced her first real live santa. She usually calls them snowmen. She wasn't too excited to see him.
We moved on - everything was too expensive. Olive munched on dehydrated tomatoes as we tried to figure out where to look next.
We accidentally ended up at an Indian buffet. Not our favorite and over priced.. but now we know.
Toddler aftermath. She enjoyed the booster seat.
We went south to a church parking lot that I always remember seeing from the highway.
Mittens made feeling the trees difficult. It also was pretty nice outside today... strange for December 1st in the upper midwest. But I'll take it.. no argument here.
Sadly the trees were still too expensive.
I called Home Depot before we left the church and sadly, we decided that was our best bet.
Olive found some small trees for $25.
We picked this tree. It isn't small. But it was $17.
I put it on the roof of the car and Olive laughed.
This guy was singing Christmas carols. It was a little awkward. But maybe it was also awkward that I was taking photos of him tying a knot.
Olive has tomato on her face.
While Tyler trimmed the bottom of the tree Olive and I got a tree stand ready. Vintage and unused.
She was very helpful putting it together. But we didn't end up using it. Whoops.
We put the tree in the sunroom, I strung up a few more lights outside, and I left to give our friend Brooke a ride home from work. When I got home I put some lights on the tree and Olive helped with a few ornaments before we heated up leftover Indian meals from the past few nights. She started falling asleep while eating dinner so we'll do more tree decorating tomorrow.
What does day 2 hold? You'll have to wait and see tomorrow! :)
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