Olive eagerly awaited their arrival by the living room doors.
We called Pair of Dice, a pizza place that is a few blocks from us, and asked Brooke and Scott to pick up our order on their way to our house.
It was almost past Olive's bedtime and she was already tired. I keep telling her to look out the window and tell us when Brooke and Scott were here with the pizza so we could open the door. Every so often she yelled "OH NO BO!!!! BO OH NO!!!!"
And then she finally saw them!
I caught Scott off guard with my flash. And I focused on something that wasn't Scott.
We also exchanged our Christmas gifts. :)
Olive was gifted some real bake wear for her kitchen and a child's rolling pin. Tyler and I were gifted the 5-6 player expansion pack for Settlers of Catan. I gave Brooke a post it note which is a certificate for a gift certificate for a 1 hour massage. And we got them a pretty red KitchenAide dish drainer. And Olive got them a Christmas ornament.
Olive's Advent Calendar
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
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