In early June I photographed my brother-in-law's high school graduation party. We were supposed to arrive in time for a surprise graduation ceremony which I was also to photograph but, getting somewhere out of state on time when you have to wake our toddler up in the morning.. that's just not doable. We tried and we drove quickly but we arrived for the start of the party and missed the ceremony. So here are some favorite photos from the party:
Sister-in-law, Joy
Tyler's grandpa
Tyler's uncle manned the hot food
Tyler's aunt and cousin
Sister-in-law and cousins
My stepdad, Wally
My mom and my stepdad drove in from Illinois
The graduate, gracefully eating
As a photographer, I'm really blessed to be married to this super photogenic, always excited to have his photo taken, guy.
Brother-in-law, Doug
If it weren't for the clouds of millions of gnats outside this day would have been really great! Overall it was great... but the gnats made it not really great.
Congratulations, Kyle. :)
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