Speaking of rain - it POURED just before this wedding. Thankfully I left home early and I ended up beating the entire wedding party to the venue and had to wait a while. The wedding just before this one was unable to take a single portrait due to the intense downpour. During my drive traffic actually came to a standstill on the highway. The pastor ended up being 30 minutes late to the ceremony due to major flooding on a major highway. Yikes!
The bridal party prep room is tiny and was filled to the brim!
Bride's get such special treatment. :)
The groom sent a personalized gift over to the bride and then she opened a very emotional note from her grandmother. After lots of fun getting ready the mood started getting serious.
But then goofy again. :)
I really love this spot.
The owner of the property coordinates the weddings and gets everyone where they need to be and keeps everyone on a strict schedule.
The after the storm clouds kept bugging me - the skies went from overcast to bright light to puffy clouds constantly.
Besides a little water on the ground in a few spots the area fared quite well during the downpour.
The flower girls dropped nearly all of the flowers right at the front.
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