Unfortunately, as often happens this time of the year, Tyler was starting to get sick. He settled on wanting Thai. We parked on the same side of the street as Sen Yai Sen Lek and across from Karta Thai and decided which to go to. They're both on University Ave in northeast.. a pretty short drive from our homes over north. Karta Thai took over the space once occupied by a tiny, mostly uninteresting, Indian place that we had visited once. It was nothing powerful but it was affordable and yummy - I was sad when I noticed it had closed. Hopefully Karta Thai has better luck. It looked completely full. We headed to Sen Yai Sen Lek.
But first I took a photo through the moon roof. I hate to be that person.. but I'm wearing a lot of stretchy pants lately.
It took a long time for anyone to greet us at the front of the restaurant. So I took some photos.
We were seated in the less interesting of the two rooms because the interesting room was full. But this worked out well because we had a little living room area next to us for Olive to play and bounce in. And it had really really really great art.
Tyler and Scott discussed their options.
Olive sampled all of the sofas.
Tyler thought some more about his options.
Not too long after getting comfortable at our table Olive met a friend. She always meets friends. This little girl is probably six or so. Her name is Liberty. Unfortunately that takes me back to Beanie Baby days and I think of the bear.. Libearty. Hmm. Anywho - Liberty got some toys and Olive experienced her first Barbie doll - naked no less.
Meadow, fully clad in stripes, enjoyed some time on the table.
Our appetizers arrived. The spring rolls were really yummy.
Tyler and I both wanted tea but they were all out of anything green.
Brooke took a photo of me and Olive.
And Scott winked.
Tyler and Scott talked about the local ingredients.
And Meadow slept through most of everything.
Then Olive had something really important to tell Scott.
There was totally enough room for her.
Not realizing it was nearly an hour after her bedtime, Olive built a bed on the couch.
And tucked herself in with a pillow.
But then decided it wasn't quite comfortable enough so she made it a little bigger.
Olive went to say goodbye to Liberty. Liberty must have ordered a children's dinner because she had a big Izzy's ice cream cone. She gave most of it to Olive. They sat on one of the leather sofas together, Olive with the ice cream cone in her hand, occasionally giving Liberty a lick, while Liberty had some much too old for them fashion type magazine on her lap. It was funny.
We skipped desert since Tyler wasn't feeling quite his normal self and because we realized Olive needed to get home basically immediately.
Happy birthday Tyler! :)
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