Can't beat the sun when it's hanging so low in the sky. :)
Can't beat June when he's bundled up into a puff.
Pretty pup.
I really like the feel of these photos. Even though I was really there.. they really make you feel like you're there.. don't they? Or is that just me because I was there?
I had so much fun with the lens flare. Olive and June probably had more fun when I was pulling them around in their sleds. But we had to pause for flare. Because.. Obviously..
June considered a round of golf.
Honey got some snow on my lens.
June conquered the backyard. One careful step at a time.
Olive obliged my request to try blowing some snow. It was the fluffy kind that doesn't pack well.. so I had high hopes!
And then it was time to go inside and have hot cocoa. ;)
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