But we had a great time with the friends that were able to attend. And, most importantly, Olive enjoyed herself.
All of us moms in attendance have worked at Fraser at various times in the past few years.
The plaid dads played catch up in the kitchen.
Olive insisted that Spin Art be on the schedule for her party.
And then the kids made cat masks because it was a cat party. Clearly.
Right before her first guests arrived Olive painted her face to look like a cat (without the help of a mirror).
Olive asked me every day, multiple times, for the week leading up to her party, if she could make a cat mask. I'm sure she was finally happy to make one. She did a great job cutting it out.
Ethan is a precise glue-er.
The plaid dads strike again. With cheesecake.
When it was time to open presents the kids swarmed. As kids do.
Ethan made a lovely cat card. And also he has a foot.
Don't you just love the way the dust is hanging in the air? This time of the year, the angle the light coming in through this window, always highlights the dust mid-afternoon. I can't say it's my favorite thing.
Oh. There's June. He finally decided to join us. It seems Daylight Savings threw him off a bit.
He was kind of zombie-like for the rest of the party.
Stella decided it was a great time to take her first step.
She also decided that wearing her cat skirt to a cat party was a good idea. Which it was.
And then June slowly stumbled through with a plate of fruit while I was trying to photograph Stella and her walking skills.
I think she was like... "Whyyyyy are you trying to make me walk more?"
Tyler was commenting on how tired and out of it June was.
Go Stella! Never mind June's stern gaze.
And then it was quickly time for cake and the happy birthday song before our friends had to leave. Even though no one wanted cake because we already had cookies, brownies, and cheesecake.
This is Olive looking really grumpy during the entire Happy Birthday song because she was about to blow out her candles right away but we said NO WE HAVE TO SING.
And.. the end.
Happy birthday Olive! Thank you for coming to celebrate with us, friends!
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