Olive has been enjoying being outside with Honey, usually while I'm getting June down for a nap but I still have to remind her and give her a little nudge since outside has barely been an option since something like October. Today she got really dirty. Again. I left the bag of potting soil outside since yesterday and I caught a glimpse of her tossing scoops into the wind. Whoops. Oh well!
Eventually June and I joined her.
June is really quite amazing photogenic. Look at that face.
Places to go. With a geode. Obviously.
Yum. Geode.
Bubbles! Said the butterfly.......
They got into the wagon and we went for a walk. It was a bit windy so I didn't plan on being out long.. It felt a little cooler than I would have preferred. Olive and I should have dressed for the weather.
On our walk we found a few things. These pine cones were exciting but they were covered in sap. In this moment I decided they need baths as soon as we got home. I should have decided that earlier when photographing Olive's hands blowing bubbles. Because.. dirty.
We also found some really cool sticks covered in lichen. I tossed one in the wagon but June's preferred stick activity was hitting Olive over the head. So I quickly tossed that out.
June: Always pointing.
We went to the parkway and Olive declared it was time for her to run around to get some energy out. But it sounded more like "to get some enerdy out". She soon stumbled in a hole and fell and was concerned that she was broken. She's been a little over the top lately. She was not, in fact, broken.
June is rediscovering everything outdoors. I'm not sure he remembers that life exists outside of snow.
And sticks!
We found a few stumps where trees had been until recently. So... sawdust!
Eventually Olive threw sawdust all over herself, June was trying to run down a hill toward a street, and I really had to use the bathroom. So headed homeward.
But not after finding 10,000 sticks.
I saw this as we got back into our yard. I was informed that she was hunting for worms.
If you want to see more photos.. click here!!!!!!
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