This will be quick, concise. I may have forgotten some details/names. I am tired.
We walked up the sidewalk to Brooke and Scott's house as their other first guests were arriving. We tied.
Brooke made a cake.
Scott made a bazillion pizza crusts.
Look! It's Scott! On his birthday!
Scott was making plans. About how to cook pizza.
Pizza chaos.
Olive was all like.. "hey... do you have a baby in your tummy?"
These are pizzas.
We gathered 'round to watch the first two pizzas be consumed. It was slightly awkward.
It's nice to go to homes where babies live. There are baby things to do.
Meadow just woke up. I think she was singing Happy Birthday.
Oh hi June.
I think Scott is saying something. This is his saying something face.
Careful candle placement. Nice colors here.
Olive helped.
Anything.. to be next to a cake..
How many hands does it take to put 28 candles on a cake?
The answer is: Four tea lights.
Meadow says: I think you underexposed.
Who knew it would take this long to candle a cake?
I think Blake moved. Where did Blake come from, anyways?
Olive was ready.
Scott seems overwhelmed.
Uh. Oops.
June's face is a cube.
A family.
The end.
Oh, happy birthday, Scott. So glad you could finally join us in being 28. :)
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