I'm trying to involve Olive more. In some ways I try hard to have a Montessori-esque home but in other ways I don't even come close. Sometimes things are easier if I do them. But that doesn't teach Olive a thing.. except that she's in the way.. or bothering me.. or something not positive.
When it comes to our kitchen, I'm usually cooking in a hurry so there isn't extra time to devote to helping her. And our kitchen is small and awkward, so it's hard to find a good surface to work with her.
But I'm trying really hard to involve her more. I'm hoping that it'll come easier as we make some major kitchen changes.
Today she helped me make dinner. I hope it made her slightly more interested in eating it.
She took a long bath today and this is the outfit she choose afterward. She asked me about two pairs of pants and picked opposite of the pair I said I liked best. And then she insisted that I help tuck her shirt in completely.. while I was on the phone with someone.. ha. I'm always cold and she always insists on not wearing socks.
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