Sunday, February 2, 2014

day thirty-three, cupid. { project 365 }

This morning we went to church again. We skipped a few weeks due to cold cold cold and my having a few meetings and sessions.

Tangent: Each month the kids try to memorize a verse. Try is the key word. And, if they feel like it (no pressure), they can recite the verse in front of their little kid class on Sundays. Today was the first Sunday with a new verse. When we picked Olive up from her room, the main teacher asked if we had been there before.. I said only one time. He then informed us that Olive was the very best at reciting a verse in front of the class at the start of a month.. ever. And that she's very smart. aw :)

I was going to bring a camera along to church but things were a little crazy getting out the door and I didn't feel like adding on the task of planning and taking a photo while at church. I wish I took more of these photos out of the house but I think I need to wait until it's not so cold so we're not so loaded with things and when June is a little more self sufficient. So, for now, you're mostly stuck with photos at our house.

But not today.

After church we came home, I rushed around to pack up my things, grabbed and apple, and headed to the McKinley Community's building about 10 minutes away. Valentine Mini Sessions! I've uploaded the photos but haven't edited anything yet. But wanted to share this sneak peek.......

Baby/Cupid/Butterfly Meadow

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