Monday, June 18, 2012

mckinley CSA week one

This our second year with a CSA and my second year working with McKinley CSA. We're so lucky to have a CSA do close, located within north Minneapolis - true urban gardening. And we're so luckily that I have had the opportunity to trade work for our share. Last year Olive came along with me while I pales shares. This year Olive is too mobile to help so I have longer weekend shifts when Tyler can be with her. I'll be helping out by photographing events and such, doing data entry, and more. :)

On Saturday we received our first share.


Green garlic & garlic scapes, mushrooms, Swiss chard, pea shoots, salad turnips, radishes, salad mix, bok choy, and fresh onions. Yum!

Oh, and two CSA t-shirts. :)


  1. beautiful bounty!

    I host a weekly CSA link party and would love for you to be a part of it. Come and check it out and add your link.... Hope to see you there :)

  2. You should take a picture of the t-shirts too!

  3. Emma this is so cool. Someday I will do this. I just need to get myself together. Thanks for letting me know that they do smaller shares!

  4. That's awesome! I'll be sure to add my link. :)

  5. I will do that for the next post. I thought about doing that but I was wearing it so I couldn't get a photo of the back!

  6. I high recommend it! During a good production year it's certainly possible for a CSA to be cheaper than buying produce at the store. Of course there is less choice - its just a box of whatever is ready for harvest, but this way you're supporting something SUPER local and no big corporations at all. And it's organic. And great. :) And its a neat way to be forced to use new produce that you may have never seen before.
