Our second round of visitors came and left. Tyler's parents, brother, and sister came up for a couple of days to meet Olive, cook us some food, and help us out with a few chores. I think they liked Olive and Olive liked them. :) Honey continues to be pretty stressed about all of the visitors but she's getting better.
Olive seems to be getting into more of a sleep eat schedule but I know as soon as we really get it down she'll be sleeping less and things will be changing!
She had her least traumatic bath yet tonight. Her first few were in the little pink bucket we got from the hospital set in the bathroom sink with me holding onto her and Tyler washing her. She seemed to despise the entire thing. Tonight I got out her infant to toddler tub and put it in the bathtub and she seemed pretty content! Now she's sleeping (thankfully! I had some coffee shortly before feeding her!) and we're about to eat some yummy enchiladas that my friend Emily brought over with her fiance.
I remember the first time I gave Jessica a bath by myself. She was in for a tops three seconds and out. It was one of the most stressful moments of my life.
ReplyDeleteDaniel on the other hand was big blob of flesh and was not wobbling all over the place and I felt more comfortable with either because I had been through bathing a newborn before or because he was just big.
Enjoy your time with your dad. Love you,