Saturday, March 26, 2011

olive's birth announcement!

I finally finished making a birth announcement for Olive! I was going to make one on my own and print them with my wonderful photo printer but I just wasn't getting it done. After a trip to a store that gave me a coupon code for Shutterfly I thought why not just get it done. It won't be as unique but it will be done and which matters more?! I was playing around with Shutterfly for the past week and I was having a rough time with the photos we had of her (her eyes were closed, they didn't match, etc.). After our little photo shoot today it all came together! Look for one coming to you in the mail soon! :)

Initially Girl Baby Announcements
Create beautiful birth announcements with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.


  1. p.s. I have put you in my google reader. I now plan to be a regular lurker haha!

  2. Awww this is the cutest thing! Of course, I've seen the real deal now, which obviously is better... but until next time, photographic Olive haha!
    I love the new blog, the layout is neat it looks like a newspaper kind of!

  3. Haha... feel free to lurk! I added you to my Google Reader, too! :)

    I think I'm going to the Autism Walk with Olive on Saturday.. maybe I'll see you there and you can see her for more than two minutes outside in the chilly air? :)
