I started this pregnancy underweight so I'm in no hurry to get back down that low. I believe at my first appointment I weighed in at a whopping 113 lbs. At my last midwife appointment, two days before Olive was born, I think I weighed 161 lbs. So factoring in those two days I'm just going to say I gained an even 50 lbs. To me that seems absurd - however every midwife and nurse that I mentioned it to said it was just fine, especially since I started out underweight, and they told me silly things like "oh, you look so great." But that wasn't my point. I somehow managed to gain weight mainly in my belly and I didn't think that I looked terrible I was just shocked by gaining 50 lbs and not actually looking like it.
We checked my weight when we got home from the hospital and I was down to 153, I think. It would have been neat to be weighed at the hospital immediately after Olive's birth. (Mental note for next baby..) For the first week or so I was losing multiple pounds a day - it was the weirdest thing that I've ever experienced! Currently I weight myself a few times a day mostly for amusement purposes. I wake up a little bit lighter every day but go up midday and usually back down before bed, but not as low as the morning. This pattern, or one very similar to it, happens every day but with the starting and ending weights typically a hair lower than the previous day. So I'm thinking that I've just leveled out at about 140 lbs.
My "medically recommended" weight is 125- 164 lbs. To fit comfortably into my most favorite soft, torn, wonderful, skinny jeans I need to slim down slightly. I think I'll shoot for 130 or a little lower but I have a feeling this will be up to me and this amazing rapid weight loss thing is over. Starting tomorrow I'm allowed to do crunches but we'll see if that happens. As soon as the weather warms up and the snow melts a bit Olive, Honey, and I will be taking frequent walks. And Tyler and I plan to take up swimming at a local community center using our tax refund.
That reminds me! I have to finish our taxes. I started pre-Olive... I can't forget. Especially because we're getting an amaaaaazing refund this year. :) I think mostly we're putting it away to continue our savings for paying my dad back for some down payment help but I think we're getting memberships for that community center and maybe a special music thing for Tyler and a special photography thing for me. Hey, tangent. In conclusion, I'm losing weight because I had a baby. A baby waby.
The end.
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