I met the wedding party in the lobby and we headed off on a walk to Rice Park
They were a little concerned about being in flip flops.. but I really enjoy photos of wedding parties walking and didn't want to miss out on the opportunity.
The entire wedding party was from the south suburbs and not familiar with the city. I knew they wanted to take photos in Rice Park but assume, when they quickly headed off toward the river, that they knew where they were going.
I was wrong and after stopping to consult a phone for directions I helped point them in the right direction.
We took the really long roundabout way to Rice Park.. but we made it. Thank goodness for the flip-flops.
This guy, the boyfriend of one of the bridesmaids, was really helpful. He was awesome at stepping back when I was taking photos of the wedding party walking, he held doors open, he fixed things, and he held the bouquets.
Keep an eye on this little lady. She basically had this expression the entire day.
The entire wedding party had been up since 5 am as the bride and groom had an early traditional Cambodian ceremony. Which means they were already married at this point.
Everyone (except the flower girl!) did a great job at looking somewhat awake.
It's always nice to catch the groom holding to bouquet.
I pointed everyone in the right direction for a much quicker walk back to the University Club.
We stumbled upon this guy at a bus stop. I like the unpredictable interactions that come with city weddings.. just because there are more people around. Although there are barely any people around in St. Paul.. but when you do find some they're always ready to talk. This guy congratulated the groom and made sure that he was going to let her rule their house.
As always, it's easy to photograph people walking in the middle of the street in downtown St. Paul on a weekend.
We headed up to their room to freshen up and grab some water before the wedding party had plans to rehearse.
There were some final touches to be taken care of when we got to the ballroom.
The flower girl got started practicing.
I spent some time with the rings and bouquets - not everyone needed for the rehearsals were there yet.
I popped into the balcony, wondering if I would get a chance to photograph from that perspective during the ceremony.
After a few rounds of rehearsing the wedding party joined together in a side room while their guests filled the seats in the ballroom.
And then the ceremony began.
The ring bearer did not have a chance to practice earlier but it wasn't needed - he did a great job, complete with smiles.
The flower girl, on the other hand, made it all the way down the aisle without dropping a single petal.
Eventually a relative in the front row convinced her to try again.
It's a good thing I didn't waste time heading back up to that balcony. This ceremony, in sharp contrast to my last, was less than 10 minutes long!
Cocktail hour began while the the room was being set for the reception.
I popped in to take some photos of the details before guests entered and then left for the evening.
Congratulations! :)
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