Wednesday, May 11, 2011

nursing pad review - bamboobies!

Last week I received a very tiny but very powerful package.  Inside the package were two pairs of Bamboobies.

What's a "Bamboobie" you ask?

Well let me tell you! Bamboobies are nursing pads made of organic bamboo and hemp! I was extra excited to try these because Olive's gDiaper inserts are bamboo so I thought we could maybe.. match.. kind of. I was also extra excited because I know how absorbent bamboo can be. And I was maybe also a little excited that they're called Bamboobies. Say it with me - Bamboobies!!! ha! Oh, and they're in the shape of hearts!

But let's be serious. Bamboobies claim the following:
1. Simply the Softest Nursing Pads on the market!
2. Heart-shaped pads cup without wrinkling... Fewer Wrinkles = Less Visibility
3. Ultra-thin, High performance Eco-fabrics

1. I agree. In my experience with four other brands of nursing pads I have never felt pads this soft! They're actually softer than Olive's bamboo gDiaper inserts and those are so soft that I considered wearing them myself, just for comfort.
2. The regular Bamboobies are heart shaped which does reduce wrinkling though I still had a few visible wrinkles. I bet this is a little different for everyone though, depending on the size of your girlie parts and the bra you're wearing. While a little wrinkle was present it was by far less of a wrinkle than with most reusable nursing pads I have used. The overnights are round and therefore get wrinkly but if you and your significant other don't mind then it shouldn't be a problem!
3. The regular Bamboobies are extremely thin - I'm really surprised! The overnights are quite thick but not any thicker than other brand's regular pads. And they're for overnight... so that's kind of the point.

“Bamboobies were born out of my frustration with wrinkly, plastic disposables and thick, rough cotton
washable pads that showed through my shirt and still leaked!” says Kerry Gilmartin, mother of three in
Boulder, CO and creator of Bamboobies.

I've had a leaky start to breastfeeding Olive. The leaking varies day to day so I'm never sure what to expect. I worry when out in public or when having visitors because I never know if a big dark dot is going to show up and how long it's going to take me to realize it. After a few days using Bamboobies I have not experienced a single wet spot despite finding the pads wet. Honestly I was a little skeptical at first because I have leaked through everything else - how could these work? I thought the leaking had possibly slowed.. but wouldn't that be ironic timing? After a little investigation I decided that I was in fact leaking just the same but the regular Bamboobies held in all of the moisture and my shirt stayed dry! I even went out of the house this evening for a meeting and didn't feel nervous or stressed out about my shirt. What a relief! I did notice that the regular pads move around a little bit but not enough to cause a problem. I think they slide a bit because they're so soft. But with how many times I need to be messing with my bra when feeding Olive there is ample opportunity to adjust them. My only complaint is that I don't have enough!

The reason for the superb protection is in the construction. Below is a diagram of the regular pads.

And the overnight pads..

There is a lot of interesting information on the Bamboobies website about pad comparisons. For example did you know that a nine month supply of disposable pads costs approximately $360 while a pack of four Bamboobies costs less than $30? I don't use disposable pads and this reminds me why! (In addition to the environmental impact.) This is also one of the many reasons we cloth diaper.

In addition to being extremely effective at preventing leaks and reducing wrinkles, as well as being cost effective, Bamboobies are eco-friendly. Bamboobies fabric producers meet the Global Organic Textile Standards or are certified annually by OEKO Tex 100, OCIA or USDA and the fibers are not treated with toxic chemicals and only water-based dyes are used.

I encourage you to stop by Bamboobies and place an order for yourself or for a friend.  I am certainly going to order more regular Bamboobies and will most likely give these as a gift to expectant moms in the future.

In conclusion...

Do I recommend Bamboobies for leaky boobies?


Use coupon code OWL20 for 20% off your purchase!!!

I was provided a free sample of Bamboobies in exchange for this review. I was under no obligation to write a positive review of this product. But I did! Because I like 'em! So go get some!

Look for review #2 in the nursing pad series coming next Wednesday! I hope you find this information as useful as I do! :)


  1. [...] began my trial of these nursing pads after trying the Bamboobies nursing pads for one week.  I immediately noticed the difference in size.  Young Blood nursing pads are much thicker then [...]
