I need to apologize for my unintentional lie in my last post. I said that I would post later in the day. And I clearly didn't. Whoops. So I'm here to write a substantial and hopefully interesting post because my last two were a little lame. I'll go backwards starting with.. now!
It's another Monday morning - Olive and I are starting our week of trying to figure out if we have a schedule and getting things done at home. We've made phone calls, vacuumed, and snuggled.
She's getting bigger! But still squeezing into a few newborn sleepers. Olive has her 2 month appointment next week on Wednesday. I'm excited for a weight and length update - it's been a while since the last one!
Yesterday Tyler cleared out Olive's closet. We were super slackers when it came to that closet. We've lived in this house for nearly two years and had piled so many things into that closet (when it was just a guest/junk room). We even piled it on top of a huge tarp and pile of plaster debris that the previous owners left. Olive and I looked on as Tyler dug through the layers starting with clothes that are too big for Olive, some things that Olive can't use yet, empty suitcases, and old space heater, an air conditioner, and on down to the tarp and pile of yuck.
The closet doesn't have have dowel rods or shelves so it's not quite done but it's significantly better than before! I put in a few big tubs of clothes that are too big for Olive, a laundry basket full of stuffed animals, a bunch of hangers, and her car seat carrier. Maybe I'll do a little home improvement post when I get to the closet. It's pretty deep so there will be two rows of dowels and maybe some shelves in back. I'm debating if it's necessary for us to paint in there... What do you think?
I had intended to go on the north Minneapolis home tour but we got to work on the closet when our friends Brooke & Scott were heading to the tour so I skipped. :( I was hoping to share some of the gems of our neighborhood with you!
Later in the day we ended up at Brooke & Scott's where we enjoyed a family fish feast for El Amin's Fish House, a few cookies, and an unprofessional game of table tennis.
And.. it was in the 70s! woah!
Saturday was a rather lazy day. We watched a lot of golf. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't take photographs of the dinner that I made - Tofu Stir-Fry with Snow Peas and Red Onions. It was soooooo very yummy - one of my favorite dishes I've made recently, I think, and I've been loving the left overs, too! I suppose that was the highlight of Saturday..
And Olive took a little nap on the living room chair.
Last week Olive and I took a long, indirect, walk to the post office and to North End Hardware.
While we could have walked straight north on our street to get to the post office we headed west and walked through the parkway. We turned onLowry where we found the post office and hardware store before making our way to our street and heading back south that way. It was a wonderful day for walk. I saw quite a few postmen who were all very kind. Everyone at the hardware store was very helping with holding the door for me and finding what I needed since I had Olive in her stroller. I also ran into a DJ from KMOJ who was in need of some help but I was unable. Unfortunately I encountered some yucky and unhelpful people on my walk while I was on Lowry. Just as I thought they were being nice and friendly I realized they were being too friendly.. and after some uncomfortable comments about my legs I made my way a little more quickly to the post office. ick. Save for that 30 second interaction the walk was wonderful and, as usual, Olive slept the entire time. She woke briefly in the post office and in the hardware store since we had stopped moving and she's not a fan of that.
So there's a little update since I really owed you one! Today is another beautiful day! I need to continue cleaning up the yard after a winter's worth of honey's yuck.. maybe I'll do that today. I also want to hem our living room curtains. And possibly finish Olive's. Kinda dropped the ball on that one. What are your Monday plans?
Happy Monday!!
Oh how wonderful! There is nothing like it when a baby starts sleeping all night. Hope you have many more of them!