This is Travis. Travis and I found each other on Craigslist. I've been doing some trades for work on our house since, let's be honest, I have no time to work on my house. I have the desire to.. but I have what amounts to, basically, negative time. Yep - that's a thing.

Enter: Travis.

Travis is a handyman. He's done a few different things with his time over the years. Most recently he worked in construction. But when construction work dwindled during the housing crisis he went the handyman route.

So Travis is going to help patch and paint our sunroom.

In exchange I had this solo session with him. And will have another session with him and his two kids as soon as the weather improves.

Have I told you how much I like solo portrait sessions?

Well, I do. But I'll save all that for another post. It's kind of a big deal.

Travis seems like a great guy and did a great job having my camera pointed at him for the bulk of an hour.

It was great to meet you, Travis. See in my sunroom this weekend. ;)