I made invitations last month and sent them out early because I was excited. :)
I made quite a few treats and snacks, all of which were gluten and sugar free (save for the fruit punch). I was afraid it would be too difficult to make things like my "famous" chocolate chip cookies without being able to enjoy them. And sugar free meant all of the snacks were baby guest friendly. :)
I made:
Olive's cake
Sweet potato "cookies"
Pumpkin "cookies" (a spin of the recipe above)
Grain free coconut raisin cookies
Grain free chocolate chip cookies
Sugar free kheer
Bionico (fruit salad)
Our friends Brooke and Scott brought over some coconut macaroons and guacamole to compliment our chips (they also took some of the photos below - thanks! Because I totally was not on top of that). We had coffee, water, and punch to drink.
A local grocery store chain gives out free birthday cakes for first birthdays if you bring in the child's birth certificate so there was also a sugar-full cake for whoever was interested. I picked up a special cupcake for my dad as well.
It was my goal, for the weeks leading up to Olive's party, to finish painting the trim in our living room and dining room. I came up a little short but I got most of it done. :) About a week before the party I spent time decorating with little Instagram photos of Olive and cardboard flowers.
Her party was filled with friends and family that was able to make the trip up to visit. My mom was present on our laptop via Skype. :)
Pre-party giggles:
Olive woke up just minutes before her party started at 2:00. That was not my intention to wake her and suddenly throw her into such a stimulating situation but of course things don't always go as planned on party day.
Olive was a little shy at first.. hiding behind my leg (adorable). But quickly warmed up and waved to and smiled at all of our guests.
I made her a birthday crown / pirate hat (ha ha):
We gave our guests a few more minutes to arrive and then we played "The Olive Game". We gave everyone a piece of paper and I asked ten questions about Olive. Whoever had the most correct won! I think that Joe and Joy (Tyler's brother and his wife) were the winners. In case you're curious to see if you know Olive well here are the ten questions: (the answers can be found at the bottom of this post)
1. How much does Olive weigh? (I weighed her after waking her before the party)
2. How tall is Olive? (I measured her just before the party also)
3. What day of the week was Olive born?
4. What was Olive's first word/phrase? (Only said it once)
5. What was Olive's first functional, used multiple times, word?
6. What is Olive's favorite thing to point at?
7. What type of animal (stuffed) does Olive sleep with?
8. What is Olive's current favorite food?
9. What was Olive's first food?
10. What was the home team at Olive's first baseball game?
After the game we moved onto opening Olive's gifts. I was impressed at her stamina.. she was pretty tunned into the opening of each gift but near the end became more interested in some of the toys and her friend Claire. :)
After gifts everyone was free to snack and mingle while Olive enjoyed her cake while we listened to some of Olive's favorite songs.
Her party lasted two hours. I wasn't planning on it being so long because I assumed she'd be done with all of the excitement by then but she was a trooper. :)
A big thanks to everyone who was able to come! We're working on thank you cards this week. :)
Last night as a baby...
Quiz answers:
1. 17.3 pounds
2. 29.5 inches
3. Sunday
4. I love you
5. All done
6. Lights
7. Tiger
8. Caramelized onions
9. Avocado
10. Chicago Cubs